Lady Gaga Honors Princess Diana, Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston in Concert
Lady Gaga brought her controversial new song about Princess Diana, "Princess Die," to the Princess' home country at Twickenham Stadium in London Saturday.
Gaga explained that "Princess Die" is a commentary on the effects of fame, including Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston and even herself, to a degree.
"Since I was a very young girl, the people's princess was the most important person in me and my mother's life," Gaga said before performing the ballad.
"I swore if I ever had an audience like this in London, I'd take a moment to appreciate her ... This is for her, Amy Winehouse, Alexander McQueen, Whitney Houston and me."
True to Gaga's nature, the lyrics of the song are rather dark. Among them:
"Leave the coffin open when I go / Leave my pearls and lipstick on so everybody knows / Pretty will be the photo I leave / Laying down on famous knives so everybody sees."
Also true to form, Gaga invited a lucky female fan on stage for the performance, placing a tiara on the Little Monster's head as she sat beside her. Aww.
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Kim Kardashian Kompares Televised Wedding to Cancer Diagnosis
Just over a year ago, Kim Kardashian filmed her wedding to Kris Humphries, airing it as part of a four-hour special on E! and raking in millions from the event.
The couple, of course, filed for divorce 72 days later and Kardashian now says she's learned a lot from letting cameras into her personal life in such a manner. You know, just like someone diagnosed with cancer learns how to battle against the odds and appreciate every second of life and...
... wait... what?
In a wide-ranging interview with The Guardian, Kardashian refers to this "decision in life" and explains:
"I spoke to a girl today who had cancer and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She's 18. And I was like, that's how I feel."
Incredibly, this insensitive, myopic, utterly ridiculous comment might not be the most non-sensical thing Kim utters in the article. Consider:
She's bigger than Lucille Ball! "When I hear people say [what are you famous for?], I want to say, what are you talking about? I have a hit TV show. We've shot more episodes than I Love Lucy! We've been on the air longer than The Andy Griffith Show! I mean, these are iconic shows, so it blows my mind when people say that."
She's earned the success of her TV show! "If everyone could do [be on a reality TV show], everyone would. It doesn't make sense to me."
She's talented because she's famous! "What is my talent? Well, a bear can juggle and stand on a ball and he's talented, but he's not famous. Do you know what I mean?"
She'd get married on TV all over again! "You never say never. Because who knows? So many other people I know have gotten married on TV and it has worked out amazing for them."
It's nice to see this new and improved Kardashian has learned that life lesson, isn't it?
The couple, of course, filed for divorce 72 days later and Kardashian now says she's learned a lot from letting cameras into her personal life in such a manner. You know, just like someone diagnosed with cancer learns how to battle against the odds and appreciate every second of life and...
... wait... what?
In a wide-ranging interview with The Guardian, Kardashian refers to this "decision in life" and explains:
"I spoke to a girl today who had cancer and we were talking about how this is such a hard thing for her, but it taught her a big lesson on who her friends are and so much about life. She's 18. And I was like, that's how I feel."
Incredibly, this insensitive, myopic, utterly ridiculous comment might not be the most non-sensical thing Kim utters in the article. Consider:
She's bigger than Lucille Ball! "When I hear people say [what are you famous for?], I want to say, what are you talking about? I have a hit TV show. We've shot more episodes than I Love Lucy! We've been on the air longer than The Andy Griffith Show! I mean, these are iconic shows, so it blows my mind when people say that."
She's earned the success of her TV show! "If everyone could do [be on a reality TV show], everyone would. It doesn't make sense to me."
She's talented because she's famous! "What is my talent? Well, a bear can juggle and stand on a ball and he's talented, but he's not famous. Do you know what I mean?"
She'd get married on TV all over again! "You never say never. Because who knows? So many other people I know have gotten married on TV and it has worked out amazing for them."
It's nice to see this new and improved Kardashian has learned that life lesson, isn't it?
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Amanda Bynes Drives With Suspended License, Gets Pulled Over Again Obviously
Troubled star and horrendous driver Amanda Bynes was pulled over in L.A. for driving with no headlights on, but was somehow let go with just a warning.
Clearly the cop doesn't read celebrity gossip.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Bynes, who recently had her license suspended, was warned by the police and let go without arrest of incident.
Had they run Amanda's license, records would have likely shown that it had just been suspended due to a pair of misdemeanor hit-and-run charges.
Bynes' refusal to take a breathalyzer test after being arrested for DUI in April would also count as a red flag, along with all the other traffic incidents.
It's unclear if the license has already been reinstated, but given the list of infractions by Bynes, that seems very unlikely in a short period of time.
Way to go cops, and Amanda.
Clearly the cop doesn't read celebrity gossip.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Bynes, who recently had her license suspended, was warned by the police and let go without arrest of incident.
Had they run Amanda's license, records would have likely shown that it had just been suspended due to a pair of misdemeanor hit-and-run charges.
Bynes' refusal to take a breathalyzer test after being arrested for DUI in April would also count as a red flag, along with all the other traffic incidents.
It's unclear if the license has already been reinstated, but given the list of infractions by Bynes, that seems very unlikely in a short period of time.
Way to go cops, and Amanda.
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Chris Brown Neck Tattoo: Rihanna or Not Rihanna?
Chris Brown insists his absurd new neck tattoo is not Rihanna.
As always, we're never sure what to believe with these two.
Sources close to Chris say all similarities with Rihanna's face are coincidental, and that "it's just a random woman." Okay, but 1. Who the heck gets a random woman tattooed on their neck, and 2. That random woman totally looks like Rihanna.
Speaking of new ink, you gotta check out Rihanna's new under-boob tattoo in honor of her grandma. It's massive. As for Chris, the tat was implied the week before last, when Rihanna and Chris Brown kissed at the VMAs.
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Bachelor Pad Season Finale Shocker: Who Won the Money? Who Broke Up? Who Got Engaged?
Another partially exciting season of Bachelor Pad is in the books, and the finale of ABC's guilty pleasure smash certainly packed in something for everyone.
Who won it all? Who broke up? Who got engaged?
Let's break it all down in THG's final BP recap ...
Kalon McMahon and Lindzi Cox are still together! Plus 20.
Erica Rose, in a desperate attempt to stay relevant, tells Lindzi to be careful because she's spotted Kalon at different events with other women. Minus 10.
Lindzi didn't know what to say or do. So, yeah. Minus 5.
Jaclyn said she was still hurt by being betrayed by her "best friend" Rachel on the last episode, when the latter did not take Jackie and Ed to the finale.
Rachel said Nick pushed to oust them because they would have been a bigger threat, which makes total sense. Jaclyn? Not altogether stable. Minus 50.
Blakeley Shea, or Blakeley Jones, or Blakeley Shea Jones ... whatever she wants to be called, she may not have won the money, but she won in love.
Seriously. She and Tony Pieper are still together! And then some! T-Piep surprised everyone, including his lady, with a proposal on stage! Plus 150.
She said yes, you guys. Obvi. Plus 10.
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South Korean film Pieta wins at Venice Film Festival
South Korean film Pieta, about a brutal debt collector, has won the Golden Lion award at the Venice Film Festival.
The best actor award was split between Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix for The Master.Inspired by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard, the film also picked up the Silver Lion prize for best director.
Hoffman, who also collected Phoenix's award, said: "Joaquin Phoenix is a life force in this film ... and I kind of rode that life force and that was my performance.
"It was really riding his life force because it was something that was untameable and my job was to try to and it was almost impossible, which is kind of the movie."
He also praised Anderson, who was not at the ceremony, calling him: "Friend first, collaborator second. And he happens to be one of the great film-makers."
Philip Seymour Hoffman collected all the awards on behalf of the film
Pieta, directed by Kim Ki-duk, centres on a debt collector who
is forced to examine his life when a woman turns up claiming to be his
mother. On accepting his award, Ki-duk sang a song to the audience while thanking the jury.
Speaking after, he said: "This is a song that we Koreans sing when we are sad, when we feel alone, when we feel desperate, but also when we're happy."
The Venice jury, which was headed by US director Michael Mann, picked Hadas Yaron for best actress for Fill the Void, a film delving into the life of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.
Is Paul Ryan Funnier Than Sarah Palin? John Oliver Votes
The Peggy Hill bouffant, aww-shucks accent, that whole seeing Russia debacle — back in 2008, Sarah Palin became
every comedian's dream. Late-night writers had found their next George
W. Bush and they celebrated by spraying Palin comedy confetti all over
the universe.
So the question still remains:
Can the GOP's new Vice Presidential hopeful Paul Ryan hold a candle to
the pit bull with lipstick when it comes to the funny stuff?
The Daily Show writer/correspondent John Oliver says Mitt Romney's running mate just isn't as "instinctively" funny as Palin.
"[Palin] has a visceral, immediate impact," he tells Rolling Stone.
"Our filing cabinet of Ayn Rand jokes was empty, so we need to fill
that up for Paul Ryan. Ayn Rand is hysterical, obviously, so it
shouldn't be too difficult."
Although Oliver
says he has no comedic preference when it comes to his POTUS pick, he
admits it's easier to make fun of Republicans. "Yes, it is easier, but
it's also less satisfying. Towards the end of the Bush years, there were
times where it was like shooting fish in a barrel, because he was
saying things that were almost palpably ludicrous. But it wasn't much
fun writing jokes about that, because they often came from a point of
complete despair."
Late-night hosts and comedy writers have already had plenty of chuckles with the RNC (oh, Clint) and now the DNC. And whatever the outcome in November, one thing's for sure: we know who we'd vote for to play Paul Ryan on Saturday Night Live:
Would Mr. Schue sing Rage Against the Machine?
[Photo Credits: Wenn, Fox]
'The Avengers'' Cobie Smulders Marries
According to, the couple — who have been dating for eight years, and have a three-year-old daughter together — tied the knot at the Alisal Guest Ranch and Resort in the town of Solvang. Smulders' How I Met Your Mother costars Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris were among the 300 guests who witnessed the quick 15 minute ceremony. After which partygoers were taken to the lakeside reception by hay ride. The cost to rent the place for the night? $43,000.
Good thing the couple both return to work later this month: the new season of SNL airs on Sept. 15, and season 8 of HIMYM premieres Sept. 24. Sounds like they've already spent those paychecks!
TIFF 2012: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence Give Career Bests in 'Silver Linings Playbook'
Well, good news for fans of Cooper or Lawrence: They're the real deal, their Toronto Film Festival premiere Silver Linings Playbook being solid, wildly entertaining of the two performer's talent.
A character drama with a twisted sense of humor, Silver Linings Playbook follows Pat (Cooper), a recently released psychiatric hospital patient who moves back in with his parents and begins a quest to reclaim his broken marriage. Despite the warnings from doctors Pat's mom Dolores (Jacki Weaver) and dad Pat Sr. (Robert De Niro) take him in, hoping familiar settings and a little Eagles football may be the perfect cure. It isn't — Pat continuously loses his s**t over his ex-wife Nikki, frantically stressing over her high school English classes reading syllabus (he toss Hemmingway's A Farewell to Arms straight through a glass window) and breaking down every time he hears their wedding song. There's no hope for him and Nikki — catching her with another man and beating him to a pulp led to his institutionalizing — but Pat's focus mind doesn't let him deviate.
After being invited to a friends house for dinner, Pat meets Tiffany (Lawrence), who sees a friendship in the bipolar patient. After the death of her husband, Tiffany went off the deep edge, engaging anyone and everyone for sex. She's sees a companion in Pat, and although he's reluctant, the off-kilter pair can't fight the magnetic power of their psychological issues. Most of their conversations end in screaming or blunt admissions — but they're relatable.
Mental illness and human connection may sound like an equation for eye-roll-worthy saccharine, but director David O. Russell mines Cooper and Lawrence's comedic strengths to turn Silver Linings Playbook into one of the funniest movies of the year. Nothing's off limits for Russell; one reoccurring joke is that Pat can't stop bringing up the fact that Tiffany's husband is dead. As Tiffany puts it to Pat, "You say more inappropriate things than appropriate thing." To make Pat aware of how his bipolar existence affects the people around him, and to make us, the audience, feel for this heart-wrenching experience, O'Russell shoots and paces Silver Linings Playbook for awkward comedy. He also returns to the always-reliable family dynamic. The Fighter is to Boston as Silver Linings Playbook is to Philadelphia, De Niro perfecting the Eagles-loving everyman with a collective of betting buddies who may just be as delusional as Pat. The legendary actor proved he had comedy chops in Meet the Parents, but here he blends it with gravitas that earned him a legacy in the first place. Rush Hour actor Chris Tucker also pops up as Pat's good friend from the institution. More restrained than ever, Tucker helps add warmth to the picture. Pat has a support system everywhere he turns. In turn, the film emanates with positive vibes.
Even with a great ensemble, Silver Linings Playbook is Cooper and Lawrence's show. To the bitter end, Pat and Tiffany never get sappy with one another, always at each other's throats over the feelings they harbor and the pasts they can't shake away. Cooper loses himself in the chaotic mind of Pat without ever slipping into a caricature of the mentally ill. He can have stir up laughs with his desperate search for Pat's missing wedding video and then shock us in the blink of an eye when things turn violent. Impressively, Lawrence's Tiffany is never written down. She never succumbs to being a comforting presence, always provoking Pat to push himself. She's a strong woman, but a strong woman juggling her own set of issues. Lawrence conveys all of that without missing a beat. That dynamic should be make Silver Linings Playbook the talk of the town come Oscar time.
Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas: Married!
Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas got married yesterday.
The sometimes annoying, always entertaining reality stars spent two summers in the Big Brother house, then traveled around the world on The Amazing Race.
Their next journey together? Forever.
Never known for subtlety, Brendon, 32, and Rachel, 27, tied the knot at the AT&T Center in Los Angeles, where the redheaded bride arrived via helicopter.
"She wanted to arrive like a big celebrity," said celebrity wedding planner – and host of WE tv's My Fair Wedding – David Tutera of the bride's entrance.
Fittingly, "the guests watched her arrive on live camera before she walked down the aisle, which to me is one of the most over the top processionals ever."
The couple – known to fans as "Brenchel" – turned romantic early in 2010 when they met on Big Brother 12, resulting in massive PDA, drama and ratings.
After a brief speed bump involving Brendon sending lewd pics to some girl, they got engaged before returning to 2011's Big Brother 13, which Reilly won.
"Now we get to start our future together," Reilly said.
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
The sometimes annoying, always entertaining reality stars spent two summers in the Big Brother house, then traveled around the world on The Amazing Race.
Their next journey together? Forever.
Never known for subtlety, Brendon, 32, and Rachel, 27, tied the knot at the AT&T Center in Los Angeles, where the redheaded bride arrived via helicopter.
"She wanted to arrive like a big celebrity," said celebrity wedding planner – and host of WE tv's My Fair Wedding – David Tutera of the bride's entrance.
Fittingly, "the guests watched her arrive on live camera before she walked down the aisle, which to me is one of the most over the top processionals ever."
The couple – known to fans as "Brenchel" – turned romantic early in 2010 when they met on Big Brother 12, resulting in massive PDA, drama and ratings.
After a brief speed bump involving Brendon sending lewd pics to some girl, they got engaged before returning to 2011's Big Brother 13, which Reilly won.
"Now we get to start our future together," Reilly said.
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
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Selena Gomez Brings Little Biebers to Toronto Film Premiere
Kristen Stewart may have brought controversy to the Toronto Film Festival, but Selena Gomez brought nothing but smiles and looks of joy.
Because she brought a pair of little Biebers to the premiere of Hotel Transylvania!
The singer - who voices a character in that animated flick - walked the red carpet with Jazmyn 4, and Jaxon, 2, the younger siblings of boyfriend Justin Bieber. Just look at the shirt-and-tie ensemble on the latter and do your best not to melt:
Justin was nowhere to be seen, but, for once, no one in attendance actually cared. His brother, sister and totally adorable girlfriend clearly stole this show.
Because she brought a pair of little Biebers to the premiere of Hotel Transylvania!
The singer - who voices a character in that animated flick - walked the red carpet with Jazmyn 4, and Jaxon, 2, the younger siblings of boyfriend Justin Bieber. Just look at the shirt-and-tie ensemble on the latter and do your best not to melt:
Justin was nowhere to be seen, but, for once, no one in attendance actually cared. His brother, sister and totally adorable girlfriend clearly stole this show.
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Scissors-Wielding Intruder Arrested at Home of Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus had something a lot more pressing to worry about last night than criticism of her new hair.
Law enforcement sources confirm to TMZ that a man with scissors in hand was arrested in the singer's property after he jumped over her fence and said he wanted to meet the 19-year old.
According to reports, police responded to a 911 call early Saturday morning and arrived to find a man on the premises named Jason Luis Rivera. He was arrested for trespassing.
Miley did not place the call and was not even at home when the incident occurred. Rivera was taken into custody and it's unclear at the moment if he remains there.
Cyrus, of course, has been in the news for fashion-related reasons this week. Did you see her look at the MTV Video Music Awards? What do you think of it?
Law enforcement sources confirm to TMZ that a man with scissors in hand was arrested in the singer's property after he jumped over her fence and said he wanted to meet the 19-year old.
According to reports, police responded to a 911 call early Saturday morning and arrived to find a man on the premises named Jason Luis Rivera. He was arrested for trespassing.
Miley did not place the call and was not even at home when the incident occurred. Rivera was taken into custody and it's unclear at the moment if he remains there.
Cyrus, of course, has been in the news for fashion-related reasons this week. Did you see her look at the MTV Video Music Awards? What do you think of it?
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THG Week in Review: R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan, VMA Madness & More
Welcome to THG's Week in Review! Below, our staffers look back at the stories, stars and scandals that made the last seven days some of the craziest all year.
If you don't already, FOLLOW THG on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and Facebook for news 24/7/365. Let us be your celebrity gossip source across the board!
Now, a rundown of the week that was at The Hollywood Gossip:
- Actor and all-around good guy Michael Clarke Duncan died at age 54.
- The iPhone 5 release date was totally announced! For next week!
- Amy Poehler and Will Arnett announced their separation.
- The world's first Snooki baby photo was released!
- It was probably nothing, but when Rihanna and Chris Brown kiss ...
- ... and she apparently calls Drake and Lil Wayne a$$holes ...
- ... the story dominates the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards.
- Even when a Breaking Dawn Part 2 clip is played
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Miley Cyrus Covers "Lilac Wine," Debuts Album Promo Pics
We interrupt the latest Miley Cyrus hair hullabaloo - OMG, she looks just like Pink, people! - to give fans an update regarding this singer's music career.
First, the artist has updated her official website to include a wealth of promotional photos in honor of her upcoming studio album, which is expected to drop in early 2013. An example:
Next, Cyrus has also released a cover of James Shelton‘s 1950s track “Lilac Wine” as part of the Backyard Sessions, which took place earlier this summer when the new blonde brought her band together to perform some of her favorite singles....
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Stand Up to Cancer: Taylor Swift Debuts New Song
Celebrities from around the world and around every industry came
together last night for Stand Up to Cancer, a telethon on every major
network that was dedicated to raising money to combat this terrible
Among the highlights, Taylor Swift debuted the track "Ronan," a single she wrote with Maya Thompson, whose 3-year-old son Ronan died of neuroblastoma last year. Watch the beautiful acoustic performance now:
Among the highlights, Taylor Swift debuted the track "Ronan," a single she wrote with Maya Thompson, whose 3-year-old son Ronan died of neuroblastoma last year. Watch the beautiful acoustic performance now:
- Children diagnosed with cancer spoke on their illness, including three-year old Justin Miller who said: "I don't really think about me passing away. But if I do, I'm taking my Legos with me."
- Alicia Keys, Coldplay and Tim McGraw all performed.
- Katie Couric, who lost her husband to colon cancer, took a swipe at Chelsea Handler while espousing preventative screening and colon health and talking about a cleanse that "comes in vanilla, strawberry... I think Chelsea Handler even has one that's vodka-flavored. It is not the tastiest beverage in the world, but it is a small price to pay for potentially saving your own life."
- Robert Pattinson urged viewers to donate and support cancer research.
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Video Music Award Winners Thank Fans, Tweet Excitement Over Ceremony
The 2012 MTV Video Music Awards have come and gone, with Rihanna kissing Chris Brown; Taylor Swift stage diving; and One Direction taking home a trio of trophies.
How did those in attendance react to the event? We've collected a series of Tweets and posted them below a montage of photos from the ceremony's red carpet...
Pink: "Had so much fun 2night Thanks MTV and VMA's- thanks to all the lovely gorgeous fans/friends. And I'm out. Hello Europe! Here we come. XXX"
Rihanna: #RihannaNavy we won Video of the Year!!! Thank you for voting! My night was major! Jah bless"
Niall Horan: "Love you all soooo much! Guys what the hell! You are incredible, 3 vmas! We love u all soo much! All 3 of them are for u! Thank you!"
Calvin Harris: "I won 2 moonmen! Great night! Away for my dinner :D #VMA. Thanks for all the congrats on the VMAs...had a great time + elated to leave with 2 little moonmen. Heading to Miami now, LIV tonight!!"
Katy Perry: "Best art direction moon man is so hipster cool! YAY! #everyoneinsilverlakewildnout #peopleinsilverlakewouldntsaywildnout
Demi Lovato: "Leaving VMAs...what an amazing night!!"
Harry Styles: "We owe you everything. Thank you so much for this. Three VMAs!! YEAH .xx"
Louis Tomlinson: "Wow can't believe we won three awards ! I said it on stage but i'll say it again! The awards are because of you guys , thank you everyone!"
Lil Wayne: "Had a blast on stage! I thank all of my wonderful fans for the support!!!!! We ain't s--t without ya!"
Wiz Khalifa: "That Was Fun. Thnx For Da Love"
Amber Rose: "Thx 4 all the Love my Rosebuds & Rosestuds I love u guys so much we're about to have a lil #WizBud join our Rosebud fam Yay!! :-) I‘ve never been so happy."
Taylor Swift: "VMA dressing room report: exceptional snack selection. SCORE."
Nicki Minaj: "OHHHHHhhH MYYYYYY F--KINGGGGG GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barbz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Alicia Keys: "So thrilled I was finally able 2 share that w/ u @ the #vma! This is just the beginning! #girlonfire"
How did those in attendance react to the event? We've collected a series of Tweets and posted them below a montage of photos from the ceremony's red carpet...
Pink: "Had so much fun 2night Thanks MTV and VMA's- thanks to all the lovely gorgeous fans/friends. And I'm out. Hello Europe! Here we come. XXX"
Rihanna: #RihannaNavy we won Video of the Year!!! Thank you for voting! My night was major! Jah bless"
Niall Horan: "Love you all soooo much! Guys what the hell! You are incredible, 3 vmas! We love u all soo much! All 3 of them are for u! Thank you!"
Calvin Harris: "I won 2 moonmen! Great night! Away for my dinner :D #VMA. Thanks for all the congrats on the VMAs...had a great time + elated to leave with 2 little moonmen. Heading to Miami now, LIV tonight!!"
Katy Perry: "Best art direction moon man is so hipster cool! YAY! #everyoneinsilverlakewildnout #peopleinsilverlakewouldntsaywildnout
Demi Lovato: "Leaving VMAs...what an amazing night!!"
Harry Styles: "We owe you everything. Thank you so much for this. Three VMAs!! YEAH .xx"
Louis Tomlinson: "Wow can't believe we won three awards ! I said it on stage but i'll say it again! The awards are because of you guys , thank you everyone!"
Lil Wayne: "Had a blast on stage! I thank all of my wonderful fans for the support!!!!! We ain't s--t without ya!"
Wiz Khalifa: "That Was Fun. Thnx For Da Love"
Amber Rose: "Thx 4 all the Love my Rosebuds & Rosestuds I love u guys so much we're about to have a lil #WizBud join our Rosebud fam Yay!! :-) I‘ve never been so happy."
Taylor Swift: "VMA dressing room report: exceptional snack selection. SCORE."
Nicki Minaj: "OHHHHHhhH MYYYYYY F--KINGGGGG GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barbz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Alicia Keys: "So thrilled I was finally able 2 share that w/ u @ the #vma! This is just the beginning! #girlonfire"
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Did Rihanna Call Drake & Lil Wayne A$$holes at VMAs?!
This is an interesting footnote to the kiss between Rihanna and Chris Brown at last night's MTV Video Music Awards ... she's apparently not a big Drake fan.
In the video below - taken seconds after Drake and Lil' Wayne and crew went to go claim their award for Best Hip-Hop Video - the camera zooms in on Rih.
She appears to be mouthing "I hate those a$$holes."
Sitting just a few seats down from Drake, Weezy and Nicki Minaj, Rihanna also refused to clap for the rapper when his name was announced Thursday.
Her (apparent) reaction is a bit of a surprise, since she and Drizzy were tight at one point, and yet not surprising, given that Chris Brown is the love of her life.
Or so Rihanna told Oprah, fighting back tears. Chris also sustained a nice gash on his face during the infamous NYC club brawl with Drake's crew this year.
That fight allegedly broke out over none other than Rihanna, who both are clearly obsessed with ... but who Drake disses hardcore in his video with 2 Chainz.
The long and short of it? Point, Chris Brown. Maybe.
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